Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Children learn fast when left among their age mates...
No matter how great an effort adult puts in to teach the child, it is best learnt amongst their peers...
'A' copied, or in fact became sure of her 'walking' while she watched her cousin (of her age) who had already mastered that action. She would put more firm steps which otherwise would tremble.
She in turn showed and taught her cousin a few actions of her amusement.
Kids also show more confidence and expressions when they are with many people than just mother and father.
This i learnt when she was taken to her grand parents'.
She became more expressive and she learned things quickly.
I had just heard positive things about socialisation but never really realised the importance of it.
Even when 'S' had told me that he would like to have more people(at least grandparents) around his daughter i hadn't paid much attention but people like me believe only after seeing...
Now i know how much socialisation can contribute to a person's growth and development, especially during early years.

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