Thursday, March 17, 2011

First worksheets

Anvitha's first vegetable printing worksheets from school.

Open House

Open House is Daksha's way of conducting so called 'exams' for preschoolers.
All the materials taught for the kids were neatly arranged in a room and we parents were the examiners who were free to ask anything.
Nowhere did the teachers make their presence felt (their way of getting natural responses from children without any fear).
Just a week ago Anvitha was crying to go to school and now she even faced her exams!!!
And the best part: Nobody even knew that it's her exam.

Coming back from school happily:)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Now, after a week...

Now, that after a week she has completely settled down in her school (though she cribs about it while leaving home and enjoys once she enters) it's the school stories that i should be listening and training myself to be heard.

The rhymes and music sessions, the activities of her classroom, and her snack menu are the main topics for discussion.

But after all this, when she is asked as to what she did at school the first thing she says is that "she cried".